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  • For dues paid members of the Satellite ARC 


  • Controlled by your PC over the Internet 

  • Virtually anywhere in the world

RCForb Software   Station Location   You Will Need   Getting Started   Hints

The SARC provides this Remote Base for members only

  • If you are a dues-paid member of the Satellite Amateur Radio Club, you can access and control the remote base. A club officer controls the list of authorized users. When you click on W6AB in the list of available remote radios, you are automatically accepted and forwarded to the radio. If you have a problem connecting to the radio, your call sign may not yet be added to the list 

Current Station Features 

  • Built around a Kenwood TS-2000, the station is functional 24 hrs. a day, in SSB, AM, FM, FM rpt., PSK-31, RTTY and CW modes, on 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M, 6M, 2M and 75cm.  

    Uses the popular (free) Remote Hams software for user and station control. Use any search engine to locate the RemoteHams web site, to download the software. You must be a licensed amateur radio operator to download and run the software and submit your call sign

    Three automatically switched antennas 

    • Ant. 1: Full sized 160/80/40M trapped dipole at 42 ft. It is a "cloud burner" with a high radiation angle -- ideal for medium-range QSO's. 

    • Ant 2: Cushcraft R-6000 no-radial omni-directional 1/2 wavelength vertical. At 50 ft at the base it exhibits a moderately low wave angle on all bands above 20M -- suitable for both general purpose short range operation as well as DX. 

    • Ant 3: VHF/UHF vertical -- excellent coverage up and down the coast. 

Station Location 

  • Located on the California central coast, north west of Santa Barbara, south of San Luis Obsipo and Santa Maria, Latitude: 34.8, Longitude -120.5, elevation 970 ft. Six miles from the nearest town, Lompoc, atop a small hill, the site is excellent for RF propagation and has an exceptionally low noise level. 

You'll Need for Your PC 

  • A microphone and speakers (or headphone). ( If you are already set up for Echolink or IRLP you may need little level adjustment).

  • RCForb software.. Free Download: Use a search engine to locate the RemoteHams Web Site. Install the Client version of the software for your computer type.

  • You may want to also download the PDF file that has the documentation for using the remote interface. From the HOME page of the RemoteHams Web Site click on Documentation. 

Getting Started

  • The software functions well under Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10

  • This RCForb software can be used to connect to several different remote radios. many do not have restricted use.

  • When you first start the software it presents a list of the various systems. Use the search window directly above the station list to find the W6AB remote base then double click on the highlighted (yellow) entry to connect to the radio.

  • The radio powers down after each use. Click on the PWR button to start the radio.

  • Select the band, frequency, and mode. Tabs along the left hand edge allow changing bands and frequencies.

  • To use digital modes you must configure your own digital software to interface with the speaker and microphone audio then restart your connection.

  • When using the radio on the VHF and UHF bands you will probably want to use FM mode and set the repeater offset and CTCSS frequency appropriately. 

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Genuinely Useful Hints From Users 

  • Use the antenna tuner when you change bands or frequency more than a little. 


    The receiver is genaral coverage. It listens with no transmit outside the ham bands. 

    DO NOT transmit in the band segments outside your license class. You are the control operator when using the remote base.



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Kenwood TS-2000


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Site 1 Aerial Remote Base Site


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Inverted V Balun


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80M Trap


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Internet Connection


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Installing HF Vertical


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Cushcraft R-6000